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Release notes for Rocky Linux 9.3

You can find a complete list of most changes in the upstream release notes found here.


You can upgrade from Rocky Linux 9.x to Rocky Linux 9.3 by doing sudo dnf -y upgrade.


Rocky Linux does not offer an upgrade path from any version of Rocky Linux 8. We recommend doing a fresh OS install to move to Rocky Linux 9.3.


Several images are available along with the normal install images, including cloud and container platforms.

  • The 9.3 release brings back cloud and container images for ppc64le that were not released with 9.2 due to issues with QEMU. These images may be divergent from the other architecture's images in some small ways, but we will work to reduce this delta in future releases of the images.

You can find more on the artifacts produced by the Cloud Special Interest Group, and information on how to get involved on the SIG/Cloud Wiki page.


To install Rocky Linux 9.3, head to the download page and download the version you need for your architecture.

The Rocky team release highlights

Breaking changes

  • The optional guest-agents group, previously available within both the Minimal Install and Custom Operating System base environments in anaconda, is no longer available for selection as additional software for those environments. If you require the guest-agents group, it is available in either the Server or Server with GUI base environments. If you install Minimal Install or Custom Operating System and still want guest-agents, you can do so by installing the package target directly in Kickstart, or by installing it with DNF after installation has completed (i.e., dnf install @guest-agents).

Live Images

  • Installing live images for XFCE, MATE, Workstation, and Workstation-Lite, will display an error regarding NetworkManager-dispatcher.service. This continues after installation and the service does not load or run. The installation seems to work in all other capacities however. To remove the SELinux messages regarding this service, do a touch /.autorelabel followed by a system reboot to silence the SELinux messages. The Cinnamon live image does not display this behavior.

  • The KDE live image for Rocky Linux 9.3 had problems during the testing phase. We will be providing the older 9.2 images until we can build and provide a working image.

New and notable

Major changes

For a complete list of major changes, see the upstream listing here.

Detailed next are highlights and new features from this release.

Installer and image creation

  • Enhancement to the AWS EC2 AMD or Intel 64-bit architecture AMI image to support UEFI boot, in addition to the legacy BIOS boot.


Listed below are security-related highlights in the latest Rocky Linux 9.3 release. For a complete list of security related changes, see the upstream link here.

  • Keylime was rebased to version 7.3.0.
  • OpenSSH was further migrated from the less secure SHA-1 message digest.
  • The pcsc-lite-ccid USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Device (CCID) and Integrated Circuit Card Device (ICCD) driver, rebased to version 1.5.2.
  • Introduction of further improvements to support the Extended Master Secret (EMS) extension (RFC 7627) required by the FIPS-140-3 standard for all TLS 1.2 connections.
  • SEtools, the collection of graphical tools, command-line tools, and libraries for SELinux policy analysis, rebased to version 4.4.2.
  • OpenSCAP rebased to version 1.3.8.
  • SCAP Security Guide rebased to version 0.1.69.

Dynamic programming languages, web, and database servers

For a detailed list of the changes in this category see the upstream link here.

Later versions of the following Application Streams are now available:

  • Redis 7
  • Node.js 20

Apache HTTP Server is now updated to 2.4.57

Compilers and development tools

For details on the changes in this category see the upstream link here.

Updated system toolchain

Updated toolchain components follow:

  • GCC 11.4.1

Updated performance tools and debuggers

  • Valgrind 3.21
  • SystemTap 4.9
  • elfutils 0.189

Updated performance monitoring tools

  • PCP 6.0.5
  • Grafana 9.2.10

Updated compiler toolsets

  • GCC Toolset 13 (new)
  • LLVM Toolset 16.0.6
  • Rust Toolset 1.71.1
  • Go Toolset 1.20.10

Known issues

Many known issues exist in 9.3 including those related to:

  • Installer and image creation
  • Security
  • Software management
  • Shells and command-line tools
  • Infrastructure services
  • Networking
  • Kernel
  • Filesystem and storage
  • Dynamic programming languages, web, and database servers
  • Compilers and development tools
  • Identity management
  • Desktop
  • Graphics Infrastructures
  • The web console
  • Virtualization
  • Supportability
  • Containers

Review the upstream listing for the complete details on these issues.

Reporting bugs

Please report any bugs you encounter to the Rocky Linux Bug Tracker. We also welcome you to join our community in any way you wish be it on our Forums, Mattermost, IRC on Libera.Chat, Reddit, Mailing Lists, or any other way you wish to participate!